Cosmetic doctor and intimate health specialist, Dr Shirin Lakhani
Concerned about starting HRT in case you suffer a ‘second menopause’ when you stop? Cosmetic doctor and intimate health specialist, Dr Shirin Lakhani, reveals what second menopause really is (spoiler: it’s actually hormone withdrawal) and why she’s still a firm believer in the importance of HRT…
What is a ‘second menopause’?
‘Second menopause is a term used the describe the recurrence of the symptoms of menopause after cessation of HRT. It is actually due to the withdrawal of the hormones.’
Do menopause symptoms return after stopping HRT?
‘People sometimes experience some or all menopause symptoms again after stopping HRT because their body is reacting to the withdrawal of the hormones that have been alleviating their symptoms. However, it’s certainly not the case that taking HRT is just delaying the symptoms of HRT.
‘It’s important that we remember the proven benefits of HRT for women, which include not only the reduction of symptoms but also the fact that HRT can help to protect against heart disease, osteoporosis and dementia.’
How long do hormone withdrawal symptoms last after stopping HRT?
‘The length of time these symptoms can persist varies greatly between individuals, just like the initial symptoms experienced during menopause varies.’
How can I prevent hormone withdrawal symptoms when I stop HRT?
‘Firstly, there is no need to stop HRT unless a woman chooses to do so. Menopause is a state of hormone deficiency which does not resolve with time.
‘There are many proven benefits of HRT and the studies that lead to the fear surrounding HRT have been shown to be flawed. There is no need to stop after an arbitrary time period due to a fear of breast cancer or other perceived side effects.
‘If however, a woman decides she no longer wishes to continue with HRT, she can mitigate some of the symptoms by gradually weaning off her HRT, rather than stopping it abruptly.’

Dr Shirin Lakhani: ‘Although some women may see some menopause symptoms return after they stop taking HRT, this is certainly not a reason not to take it.’
Do the HRT benefits outweigh the withdrawal symptoms after stopping?
‘Although some women may see some menopause symptoms return after they stop taking HRT, this is certainly not a reason not to take it.
‘The proven benefits of HRT for women include not only the reduction of symptoms but also the fact that HRT can help to protect against heart disease, osteoporosis and dementia. In my opinion these benefits far outweigh the withdrawal symptoms.’
Should I stop taking HRT after a certain period of time? Is it dangerous to take HRT long-term?
‘We don’t stop people taking other hormones after a certain period of time so why are we putting a time limit on women taking HRT and making them stop after 5-10 years? It’s outdated and in my opinion the benefits far outweigh the risks.
‘I’m a firm believer in the importance of HRT for helping women to lead normal lives during the menopause and beyond, it’s also not just about symptoms but also about improving the quality of a woman’s life.
‘Sadly there still exists in our society a stigma about replacing sex hormones that isn’t there when replacing other hormones such as insulin, and it’s a stigma that we need to get over.’
‘There is also no evidence to suggest that HRT withdrawal symptoms are worse the longer you take HRT.’
How can I manage hormone withdrawal symptoms at home? And when should I seek medical advice?
‘You should seek medical advice before stopping HRT. If you decide to come off HRT, you should do it gradually. Your GP may be able to help by prescribing medications to help alleviate some of the symptoms.’