Wrinkles are a normal and physical sign of ageing. However, if you’re looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, or prevent new ones from forming, there are some things you can do…

First things first: we are not saying that you SHOULD actively seek to remove your wrinkles. They are a completely normal part of the ageing process, and there is nothing wrong whatsoever with showing signs of ageing. Spoiler alert: women age too!

Wrinkles or no wrinkles, you’re beautiful the way you are! Whether you’re unbothered by the presence of your fine lines, or you would like to take certain steps to reduce their appearance, there is no right or wrong here. It’s up to each of us to decide what we do with our appearances, and no one else should judge us for this.

So without further ado, here are some top tips to reduce and prevent wrinkles – if YOU want to!

Why do we get wrinkles as we age?

‘As we age our collagen production slows down and so our skin begins to lose elastin and collagen,’ explains cosmetic doctor, Dr Rekha Tailor.

‘This causes the skin to hang loosely and create what we know as wrinkles and sagging skin.’ She explains that wrinkles can be exacerbated by a number of factors. ‘Lifestyle, pollution, dehydration and sun exposure can have a significant impact on the speed at which the skin ages.’

The areas of the body most exposed to the UV rays are typically where lines and wrinkles start to appear first. For example the face, neck and hands. And of course, it’s these areas that can make you look older than you are.

What’s the difference between dynamic and static wrinkles?

Wrinkles are not all the same,’ explains Harley Street cosmetic surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. ‘In fact, there are two sorts – dynamic and static.

Dynamic wrinkles:

‘Dynamic wrinkles are caused by constant, habitual movements such as frowning or scrunching your face. They include crow’s feet near the eyes, forehead wrinkles, and deep lines that emerge between the eyebrows.’

But these wrinkles quickly disappear. When your face is relaxed these dynamic wrinkles slowly fade or become less visible.

Static wrinkles:

In contrast to dynamic wrinkles, static wrinkles remain, even when you are expressionless. Examples of static wrinkles include lines that form around the mouth, called the “parentheses lines” and “marionette lines”, along with wrinkles that form in the mid-face and on the neck.

‘Static wrinkles are unfortunately unavoidable and first emerge as temporary dynamic wrinkles, slowly becoming a more permanent part of the natural facial expression as we age due to the loss of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin.

What else causes wrinkles?

‘Other life choices can also aid the speed of static wrinkles developing, such as smoking, poor eating habits, and exposure to the sun. Fortunately, we live in a time where there are a lot of treatment options available to help diminish wrinkles, both surgical and non-surgical,’ explains Dr Dirk Kremer.

How can I reduce and prevent wrinkles?

But what can we really do to avoid wrinkles, reverse sun damage and treat existing wrinkles? Here are our top tips for preventing and treating wrinkles…

1. Wear SPF everyday

According to the experts, one of the best ways to prevent wrinkles is to protect your skin from the sun.

Exposure to the sun can cause premature ageing and wrinkles so by wearing a broad-spectrum SPF at all times, even when it doesn’t seem sunny outside, you’re providing your skin with the best barrier against the damage caused by the sun’s harmful rays.

2. Eat healthy fats and avoid smoking

‘It’s important to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet rich in fatty fish and healthy fats such as avocados and nuts,’ says Dr Rekha Tailor.

‘Avoiding lifestyle factors which can cause premature ageing such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption also helps.’

3. Try using retinol to reduce the appearance of wrinkles

Retinol is a type of retinoid, derived from Vitamin A. It exfoliates skin and helps the skin to produce collagen and to fight free radicals.

‘Retinol, or retinoids, work by prompting surface skin cells to turn over and die quickly, making way for new healthy fresh skin underneath. It helps to prevent collagen breaking down and thickens the deeper layer of skin to help prevent wrinkles,’ explains Dr Rekha Tailor.

It’s worth bearing in mind though that retinol may not be for everyone and can exacerbate conditions such as psoriasis, eczema or rosacea if not used under a clear treatment plan provided by a cosmetic doctor or dermatologist.

4. Consider dermal fillers to reduce wrinkles

Please note, you must consult a qualified expert if you are considering this!

In the right hands, dermal fillers can be extremely effective at providing a natural-looking lift that can help to erase static wrinkles.

‘Even though injectable filler treatments are considered ‘non-surgical’, they are of course invasive, and they can actually cause more damage than most people think. I refer to these treatments as ‘blind surgery’, explains Dr Dirk Kremer.

‘The needle or cannula is penetrating through the skin to place the filler in the right place. However, if the filler is placed in the wrong place, nerve damage can be caused, paralysis of the wrong muscles, skin necrosis and even blindness.’

5. Try a radiofrequency treatment

Radiofrequency treatments like the Thermage FLX are a good alternative to surgery. ‘Radiofrequency technology is a brilliant non-surgical option for those not wishing to go under the knife,’ says Dr Rekha Tailor.

‘It effectively smooths, tightens and contours skin to create a younger-looking appearance, but without the risks and downtime associated with surgery.’

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