This week, the government have announced plans to ban products containing microbeads by the end of this year. These tiny plastic particles have been causing a stir for some time now, being accused of damaging marine life through the pollution of our oceans.
Microbeads can be found in numerous exfoliators, shower gels and toothpastes, meaning the new law comes as bad news for some cosmetic companies.
Fortunately, there are plenty of facial polishes on the market that don’t contain microbeads. They’re gentle on your skin and on the environment! We’ve picked three of our favourites…
Clean Beauty Co: Prime Time Facial Polish (£24

This gentle and smoothing polish aims to strip away dead skin cells to reveal your fresh, bright complexion. Vegan and cruelty free, this opal fruit-scented product uses only 100 per cent natural ingredients, such as marshmallow root, grape enzymes and pineapple acids.
Origins: Skin Brightening Face Polisher With Fruit Extracts (£26.50

Using finely ground apricot and mango seeds as opposed to microbeads, this exfoliator is perfect for all skin types. The papaya extract smoothly polishes away dull skin to uncover a radiant and glowing appearance.
Simple Kind To Skin: Soothing Facial Scrub (£3.99

This affordable facial exfoliator is perfect if you have sensitive skin. Using a combination of rice grains and facial wash to cleanse the skin, it is ideal to use around the more oily areas of the face. It also comes in a small tube making it ideal for taking on holiday.