Health coach Joanna Shurety of Shurety Coaching gives us 4 ways to boost our resilience and just feel better.

1 Build a positive mindset

These times are very uncertain and it can be a challenge to do this, however, focusing on what you can do and what is in your control is a good way to approach the situation.

2 Keep exercising

It’s great for our mental health.  If being around people worries you in terms of catching the virus, then get outside in the countryside, or do a workout at home.

3 Use technology to stay connected

If you are working from home, or self-isolating, then using Facetime, Skype or other video technology is a great way to keep in touch with elderly relatives, colleagues and friends. Make it a priority to keep connected and supported.

4 Treat yourself to something nice

Catch up on a favourite box-set, do your nails, make a favourite meal, fill your house with music. Whatever lifts the mood, do something every day.