Pilates instructor Louise Kennedy shares six moves to strengthen your core, tighten your abs and cinch in your waist.
Louise reveals how to concentrate on the movement for that all important mind-body coordination, and how to carry out the moves with precision and control, while using the correct breathwork to deepen the connection to the core, to intensify the movement, and calm the mind…
Toe Taps
Preparation position – A

• Lie on your back, with your legs in tabletop position – knees over hips, knees and feet hip distance apart with a 90-degree angle behind your knees.
• Engage your abs by pulling them in and up. Sink navel to spine and draw abs up towards your neck.
• To make it more challenging, slowly and gently curl up your head, neck and shoulders and place your hands behind your head.
Working – B

• Keep your knees bent and inhale through the nose as you hinge from the hip and slowly toe tap one leg down to the mat.
• Exhale through the mouth as you slowly bring your leg back up to tabletop position. You are hinging from the hip, so keep the 90-degree angle behind your knee throughout the movement.
• Change sides, then repeat 10 times on each side.
Lower Lift
Preparation position – A
• Lie on your back, bring knees into chest, then curl up your head, neck and shoulders and place your hands behind your head.
• Engage your abs by pulling them in and up. Sink navel to spine and draw abs up towards your neck.
• Extend both legs up to the ceiling. Keep legs straight, if possible. If not, a slight bend in your knees is fine.
• Put your feet in Pilates stance, meaning point your toes, with heels together and toes slightly apart.
Working – B

• Inhale through your nose as you slowly lower the legs towards the mat. Go as far as is comfortable – don’t let the lower back arch up off of the mat.
• Exhale through your mouth and slowly lift your legs back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
Single Leg Stretch
Preparation position – A

• Lie on your back and bend your knees into your chest.
• Place both hands on the shin of one leg with elbows wide.
• Extend the other leg to a high diagonal and point the toes.
• Engage abs by pulling your abs in and up. Sink navel to spine and draw abs up towards your neck.
Working – B

• To make it more challenging, slowly curl your head, neck and shoulders off the mat.
• Exhale through the mouth as you firmly draw the held knee in towards your chest, simultaneously lengthening the extended leg away.
• Inhale as you switch legs.
• Repeat 10 times on each side.
Preparation position – A

• Lie down on your back, with your knees bent.
• Extend one leg up to the ceiling and point your toe keeping a straight leg, if possible. If not, a slight bend in the knee is fine.
• Curl up your head, neck and shoulders and take hold of your ankle. If that’s too high, hold your calf or thigh, but don’t hold behind the knee.
• Engage abs by pulling them in and up. Sink navel to spine and draw abs up towards your neck.
Working – B

• Extend and lengthen the other leg up and scoop your tummy in. Double pulse the top leg towards the body while the other leg reaches long.
• Switch legs rhythmically as you go.
• Keep breathing throughout and repeat 10 times on each side.
Double Leg Stretch:
Preparation position – A

• Lie on your back and draw both knees into your chest (with hands on shins) as you curl up your head, neck and shoulders.
• Elbows wide, keep your gaze towards your centre.
• Engage abs by pulling them in and up. Sink navel to spine and draw your abs up towards your neck.
Working – B

• Inhale through the nose as you simultaneously extend both arms and legs away – arms in line with your ears and your legs to a high diagonal. Heels stay glued together.
• Circle your arms around while simultaneously exhaling through the mouth as you hug your knees back into your chest, emptying your lungs.
• Repeat 5-10 times.
Criss Cross:
Preparation position – A

• Lie on your back and draw both knees into your chest. Curl up your head, neck and shoulders and place hands behind your head.
• Engage abs by pulling them in and up. Sink navel to spine and draw abs up towards your neck.
Working – B

• Extend one leg away to a high diagonal and twist towards the bent knee. Twist from your waist not your neck. Keep your elbows wide throughout. Hold for 3 counts.
• Come back to centre, then twist to the other side as you extend the opposite leg and draw the other knee into your chest.
• While moving, inhale to centre and exhale to twist. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Pilates teacher Louise Kennedy offers an online monthly membership subscription for on-demand Pilates workouts. So, you can take a class at a time and for a length that suits you. Sign up at louisekennedypilates.com and follow her at instagram.com/louisekennedypilates for mini-workouts.
Words: Louise Kennedy. Images: mariannehaggstromphotography.com.