Travelling alone is no longer the reserve of the gap year student. Increasingly, more and more adults are opting to take their next holiday by themselves. Here are four good reasons why you should travel solo too…

Travelling alone gives you true ‘me time’
You can go where ever you want – whenever you want and it’s proven to be good for your health. After all impulsive decisions are far easier to make when you don’t have to cater for multiple people.
Would you like to spend the day lowering your golf handicap? At a spa? Looking to try your hand at archery? Walking for miles? Swimming for hours or reading? Solo travelling gives you the opportunity.

Meet new people on your solo travels
When on holiday with friends and loved ones, it’s easy to fall into the trap of being unsociable. Striking up conversations is hard for most people and although this isn’t made any easier by being on your own, it’s certainly more rewarding.
Travelling on your own gives you the motivation to meet new people and build new friendships. After all, what have you got to lose?

Travelling alone is cheaper
More and more hotels are deciding to do away with the single supplement on their rooms which means that it’s now even cheaper to go away for the weekend by yourself.
This, coupled with the reduced cost of eating out, makes going on holiday alone the most economical option.

Solo travel gives you time for reflection
Nothing beats some quality time on your own.
Shut out the noise and chaos and take a well-earned break from your day-to-day life. The simple pleasures that come from reading a good book or taking a peaceful walk are priceless.
So, next time you fancy a trip away, don’t waste time trying to find someone to come with you.